I am just learning to blog! This is my first post. Not really sure where to start, but I think I should give a brief introduction. My name is Terri. I have been married to my best friend Chris for 13 years! We have a 4 1/2 month old daughter - Ashlyn Rose...more to come about her in future posts, I'm sure!
I've been contemplating blogging for some time. I was trying to find a theme or a subject for my blog. I enjoy cooking, so I thought I might start a blog about that. I scrapbook, too, so I thought I could write about that. But then I realized that there are hundreds of blogs about those same things. What there aren't a hundred blogs about is my life. So I'll write about that.
My life isn't glamorous. I don't associate with the rich and/or famous. My life is ordinary. It is in the ordinary that I find joy. I am far from being perfect, but I do try to be a good person.
So, for those of you who read my blog, what you'll find is an honest view into my life.
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